
This one was recorded in part back in 2016 but was left as a work in progress. I had thought to extend it a bit longer, but I actually like it as a short, mellow, one verse acoustic vibe.

I often bring nautical terminology into my creative work, especially in terms of direction or navigation. A layline is a line you would draw from a specific target (say a buoy, harbour or a rock) that once on that line, you can sail directly to the target. Most often, it’s a term used when beating to windward, denoting the line you wish to reach at some point before tacking towards your goal.

This song was written from a perspective of someone who hasn’t done too much wrong, but hasn’t done everything right. There’s a bit of injustice and resentment in there. A feeling that its tough being consistently calm, patient and kind – all the good virtues – when life is throwing stuff at you. You can hide in other people’s lives, adopt their values, lose bits of you that made you who you are. Ultimately its a song about trying to do the right thing, but feeling that is hard in the face of the challenges life puts in the way.

Finding the layline back to what you know, back to being who you always were.

……deep bruh

Anyway there’s some weird backing vocals which is an attempt to do some sort of didgeridoo impression and not sure on the mix- but I like it, hope you do too.


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