If A Minute Was a Dime

A return to the songwriting chair and an attempt at a slow ballad – albeit with a bluesy overtone. It sounds a bit like a mix of an 70s/80s thing with an old M&S food ad. Its a weird one, it grows on me as I listen to it and pleased to be writing again after a few years out. The good news is that there are plenty in the hopper, so more to follow.

The title is meant to be around how it would be great if we could buy some time. Quarantine / lockdown etc. really showed me how life would be if things weren’t so hectic all the time. Everything became calmer despite the overlaying fear/anxiety that went with the daily news and disruption.

I am focussed on making time for all the things I like, not just work. So more music, better food, more sleep, more exercise etc. etc. Lets see how that goes …..

Hope everyone has been keeping safe and look forward to posting more tunes!